Integrative & Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)


The goal of the clinicians at Accurate Clinic is to provide an “integrative” approach to our patients’ medical concerns that is safe, effective and evidence-based.  Integrative Medicine includes conventional medical care but also extends beyond conventional medicine approaches to also include Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).

“Complementary and Alternative Medicine” (CAM) is defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine as, those treatments and healthcare practices not taught widely in medical schools, not generally used in hospitals, and not usually reimbursed by medical insurance companies.”

Complementary medicine  comprises non-conventional medical treatment that is used in conjunction with standard medical interventions, whereas


Alternative medicine  refers to treatment interventions that are used in place of standard medical care.

CAM and Pain

CAM treatment options can be extraordinarily helpful in preventing and reducing many painful conditions and no pain management regimen is complete without considering their use. In the Accurate Clinic pain management programs we place great emphasis on exploring the use of nutriceuticals and natural supplements with evidence-based effectiveness in reducing the pain associated with such conditions as chronic headaches, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and chronic neck and back pain.

For more information, see: education –  Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

CAM and Weight Loss

There have been remarkable discoveries over the last five years providing significant understanding of the role of CAM treatment for oxidative stress and obesity. Like in the management of pain, no obesity management regimen is complete without considering the use of CAM treatment options.

For more information, see: education –  Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

CAM and Addiction Recovery

Recent research in addiction has shown that addiction is a manifestation of an underlying condition of dopamine deficiency in particular areas of the brain. Through the use of natural supplements, adaptogens and nutriceuticals, dopamine and other neurotransmitter imbalances can be addressed safely and effectively. There are a number of CAM treatments with excellent evidence of benefit in addiction recovery.

For more information, see: education –  Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

CAM and Anxiety and Depression

The use of prescription medications in anxiety and depression is fraught with the dangers of significant side effects, drug interactions, physical dependence and severe withdrawal syndromes as well as rather poor effectiveness in a high percentage of patients. CAM treatments are often equally effective as many prescription medications with less side effects. In general, effort is made to control anxiety and depression with the use of CAM treatment options prior to engaging prescription anxiolytics or antidepressants.

For more information, see: education –  Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Medicine.


Dr. Lisa Chambers Pate, who is recognized as one of the most respected naturopathic physicians in Louisiana, has a great deal of expertise and many years experience in CAM as well as homeopathic and other health disciplines. For more information regarding naturopathy, please see: naturopathy services.
